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The heritage protection authority may require archaeological activities to be carried out during the implementation of a project on or near an archaeological site.

Archaeological activities may take the form of
- notification of the start of excavation work to the museum,
- archaeological monitoring,
- trial excavation,
- full surface excavation,
- heritage impact assessment,
- Preliminary Archaeological Documentation. 

The time and cost involved in each of these tasks is different, so it is advisable to contact the museum concerned as soon as the official specification is received, even if the excavation work is not due until later. This will avoid any delay in the construction. For your information, a brief summary of the archaeological tasks is provided.

Notification of the start of excavation works:
In this case, it is sufficient to notify the relevant museum by e-mail ( on the date specified in the regulations, referring to the file number of the official regulation, which you will find on the first line of the document after "file number:". There is no further action to be taken by you and no financial implications for the archaeological activity.

Archaeological observation:
A type of preventive excavation. In this case, a contract must be signed with the relevant museum before the excavation work starts (the lead time is about 1-1.5 weeks) and the client has to pay for it. During the monitoring, our staff will inspect the excavation work on site and, if archaeological finds are found, will immediately start the necessary excavation work to ensure that the project is not delayed.

Test excavation:
A type of preventive excavation, this excavation method is usually used to clarify the archaeological site's involvement, and is therefore most commonly encountered in the case of large-scale projects or excavations of greater extent/depth. Not only does it require a separate contract with the museum, but the museum must also initiate an excavation permit procedure.

The excavation authorisation procedure, the conclusion of the service contract, takes about 4-6 weeks, after which excavation can only start. The statutory maximum time for excavation is 30 working days.

The costs of excavation are borne by the client.

Once the trial excavation has been carried out, the Contractor must apply separately to the Heritage Protection Authority, which will determine how the work is to be carried out. Thus, once the trial excavation has been completed, construction cannot automatically start.

Full surface excavation:
A type of pre-excavation, the excavation of the entire area of the project affected by excavation works. Not only must a separate contract be concluded with the museum, but the museum must also launch an excavation permit procedure. The excavation permit procedure, the conclusion of the service contract, takes about 4-6 weeks, after which the excavation can only start. The statutory maximum time for excavation is 30 working days.

Heritage impact assessment: for projects on or around archaeological sites, this may be required by the authority. Only a registered archaeological expert may prepare it. The list of experts is available on the e-building portal (

Our museum's archaeological expert:
Dr Attila Mrenka (e-mail:; phone: 0630/428-3147) 

Preliminary Archaeological Documentation: a document to be prepared before the start of the authorisation procedure in the case of major projects and investments of national economic importance, including excavation activities. In such cases, the National Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian National Museum is competent.

Description of the archaeological process

Construction of a family house: since 2016, no building permit procedure is required for family houses with a useful floor area of less than 300 m2. In addition to the simple notification of the construction of a residential building under Government Decree 155/2016 (13.VI.), the provisions of Act LXIV of 2001 on the Protection of Cultural Heritage (hereinafter: the Act) on the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites remain in force. According to Section 19 (2) of the Kötv., elements of archaeological heritage may only be moved from their original position within the framework of archaeological excavation. Pursuant to Section 22(1) of the Ordinance, the part of the registered archaeological site affected by the excavation work related to the project must be subject to prior archaeological excavation.

This somewhat alarming wording means that you must also notify the heritage protection authority of the start of construction work. The documentation uploaded to the EHDR is not sent to the heritage authority.

It is recommended that you contact the heritage protection authority at the Government Office as soon as you upload the documentation into the EIDR and then contact the museum on the basis of the information provided by the authority. The commissioning of the archaeological activity referred to in the Authority's specification and the carrying out of the task will be carried out as follows:
Ordering archaeological monitoring, the procedure for archaeological monitoring - general description
1. The "Order" form on the Sopron Museum website must be completed in full. It is very important to fill in the official registration number in ALL cases. This is located at the top of the official document after the "File number:". Without it, we cannot accept the order. Please also send us your investment plans in .shp format. Exceptions to this rule are single-family houses.
2. On the basis of the information contained in the order, our staff will draw up an archaeological service contract, which will be sent to you by post.
3. The contract must be signed and returned to the museum.
4. 3 days before the excavation work is due to begin, our staff will telephone the designated contact person to arrange a precise schedule for the work. It is important that you appoint a contact person who is familiar with the exact schedule of the planned excavation work.
5. We will be there at the agreed time to supervise the excavation work.
6. At the end of the observation, we will draw up a report to be signed by you/the contractor, certifying the activities carried out in the field.
7. This report will be attached to the certificate of completion, which will be sent to the client by post.
8. You must sign and return the certificate of completion, after which you will receive the invoice.
9. It is essential that you keep a copy of the certificate, as it will enable you to prove to any forum that the archaeological work relating to the project has been carried out correctly.

Ordering trial and full surface excavation, excavation procedure
1. The "Order" form on the Sopron Museum website must be completed in full. It is very important to fill in the official registration number in ALL cases. This is located in the top left corner of the official document. Without it, we cannot accept the order.
2. After completing the order form, you must send us the following information by e-mail:
- Data suitable for identification and area numbering of the area affected by the earthworks of the project, with vector files in HD72/EOV, geodetically compatible, with the existing and planned utility lines in .shp format! This is of particular importance as it allows us to define the location of the excavation (in the case of test excavations, the location of the exploration probes) and to calculate the cost of the excavation.
• Location plan of the project in .shp format.
• The technical description of the foundation plans, foundation lengths and cross-sections, and the associated underground works, which must be consistent with the permit design documentation.
• Description of any landscaping details.
• If made, details of soil mechanics tests.
• If available, the final or enforceable building permit for the project. - Consent to enter the land.

3. On the basis of the information received, we will draw up an excavation contract for you to sign.
4. Upon receipt of the excavation contract, our museum will start the excavation permit process.
5. Once we have a valid excavation permit, we will start and carry out the excavation at a time agreed with you. During this time, no construction activities may take place on the excavated area.
6. Once the excavation has been completed, the area will be returned to the client and the invoicing will be carried out as described above during the supervision.
7. In the case of a trial excavation, once the final excavation documentation has been received, you will have to contact the relevant Heritage Office again, which will decide on any further archaeological work to be carried out on the excavation works.
8. In the case of full surface excavation, construction may start after the excavation has been completed and returned to the contractor/investor.

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Frequently asked questions

Archaeological observation
cost: based on the relevant calculation method of Government Decree 68/2018 (IV.9.) on the rules for the protection of cultural heritage.
Regulation No. 68.178 of the Law of the Republic of Hungary on the preservation of archaeological sites (68.68.1).
Time: equal to the duration of the excavation works

Trial exploration
Cost: based on the relevant calculation method of the Government Decree 68/2018 (IV.9.) on the Rules for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
2.520 - 31.500 HUF + VAT/m2.
In the case of a test excavation, a cost of 1.100 HUF + VAT/m2 shall also be charged for the area found to be archaeologically negative.
Time: excavation permit approval 4-6 weeks, maximum excavation time 30 (thirty) excavation working days. 

Full surface excavation
Cost: based on the relevant calculation method of the Government Decree 68/2018 (IV.9.) on the Rules for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Time: maximum of 30 (thirty) working days suitable for excavation. 

Carrying out the full archaeological task, preparing the archaeological documentation, carrying out the excavation authorisation process, metal detector survey of the area concerned.

No, we do not operate on weekends and public holidays. On weekdays we are available between 7.00 - 16.00.

Unfortunately, we are unable to fulfil your request. We cannot carry out any work before the contract is signed. We schedule each field work 1 to 1.5 weeks in advance, so this is the shortest time we can meet your requests. 

Our archaeological activities are always carried out in accordance with the legislation and the heritage protection authority's regulations in force. We only go to areas where the authority has specified archaeological work. 

In all cases by bank transfer. Cash is not accepted by our staff.

No, a proxy can also take action. 

If the objects have been found during excavation work, the work should be temporarily suspended until the archaeologist arrives and the objects are recovered, and they should not be moved from their original location. It is helpful if, at the time of excavation, the place of discovery is photographed from several directions. Depending on the find, our institution will partner with you to submit the finder for ministerial recognition with a cash reward, if this is possible under the legislation in force.

Archaeological artefacts found in attics or in legacies are welcome as donations.

Our archaeologist can be contacted on the phone number provided from 6:00 - 20:00 every day of the week. 

Yes. Our museum has the necessary infrastructure. After consultation with our lead archaeologist, we can inspect the area in question the very next day.