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Central Mining Museum

Central Mining Museum

  • 9400 Sopron, Templom utca 2.
  • All year round
  • 10:00 - 18:00

One of the largest technical museums in Hungary

Our exhibition preserves and presents artefactual, documentary and photographic material of the mining industry in Hungary. The permanent exhibitions deal with the minerals and rocks of great mining value, the art and crafts of mining, the millennial history of mining in Hungary, and especially the history of higher education in mining. The museum's Mine of Experience is a children's realm where everyone can become a little miner, put on a miner's helmet or a colour guard, slide down into the mine, travel through narrow and dark passages, ride in a chandelier, try out the medieval water extraction device.

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age 26-62

3 000 Ft

Discount ticket 50%

1 500 Ft

  • 6 éves kortól a 26. életév betöltéséig
  • 62-70 éves kor között
  • nyugdíjasok
  • legalább kettő 18 év alatti személyt kísérő közeli hozzátartozó (legfeljebb 2 fő)
  • A kedvezményekről az alábbi linken tájékozódhat:


Family Ticket

6 000 Ft

  • extra child: 500 HUF

group ticket

2 000 Ft

  • 2000 HUF / person for an organized adult group of at least 10 people
  • 1000 HUF / person for an organized student/pensioner group of at least 10 people
  • In the case of a group of 20 people, 2 accompanying persons are free.

400 Ft

1 000 Ft

Box office closes 30 minutes before the closing time of the exhibition.
Eligibility for discounts must be verified on request.
Discounts cannot be combined. Cash payment is only possible in HUF.
Admission to our events and workshops may vary depending on the programme.
Ticket prices are in HUF and include VAT.

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Download Visual Guide app

A visual guide app to help you explore the Museum Quarter provides useful and interesting information to guide you through the buildings.

Download the Sopron Museum, Museum Quarter add-on via the National Castle and Castle Programme app! The visual guide will help you to navigate around the building and explore the exhibitions and visitor spaces.

Download Visual Guide app

Openness, contact

Opening hours

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00

Address and contact

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